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Pugg;e MCA Cover

“Do Not Snuggle With a Puggle” Front & Back Cover Design

A naive young wallaby learns that strangers can bring dangers.

Illustrator’s Notes:
The artworks for ‘Do Not Snuggle with a Puggle’, represents a whole new dimension for me. The illustrations were created entirely digitally using the Affinity Suite. The process offers a level of detail that simply would not be possible with my colour pencils unless the artworks were at least four times the size, taking, by default, many hours longer to produce – and as a commissioned illustrator, time is of the essence to my authors where cost and deadlines are often important considerations. CLICK HERE* for details of the Affinity Suite – a major, no subscription challenger to PhotoShop and the whole Adobe creative platform.

(*This is an unsponsored link. Affinity do not have an Affiliate Programme)

Mom's Choice Award Motif
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What happened next was a huge lesson for Wally and you can read all about it in his book.

To get your copy of
“Do Not Snuggle with a Puggle”
at Amazon